Small Animal

Does your pet have red, itchy skin? Are they licking themselves excessively and pulling out hair? Does your pet get recurrent ear infections? All of these may be a sign that your pet has allergies.

What are the most common causes of allergies in dogs and cats?
The top three causes of allergies in dogs and cats are: fleas, environment and food.

Fleas: Dogs and cats can have severe allergic reactions to flea saliva. You may or may not see fleas on your pet. In flea allergic dogs and cats, it only takes a few bites to cause severely red and itchy skin.

Environment: There are many things in the environment that are normally harmless that can cause allergic hypersensitive reactions in dogs and cats. This can include pollens, molds, grass, trees, dander, and much more.

Food: It is possible for dogs and cats to be allergic to any portion of their food, however, most commonly it is the protein source (chicken, beef, fish, etc.). If a food allergy is suspected, our veterinarians can talk with you about food allergy testing, true food trials, and prescription hypoallergenic diets.

How are allergies in pets treated?
There are a variety of options to help relieve allergy symptoms in your pet. Each pet is unique and has their own unique set of allergens, therefore, each pet needs a treatment plan tailored to their individuality. Our veterinarians can work with you to find a solution that works best for you and your pet.