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Veterinary Blog
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Have a Fear Free Fourth!
Independence Day fireworks festivities can turn a time of celebration into one of terror for many dogs. From the canine perspective, loud, unpredictable noises accompanied by bright lights are...
10 Signs Your Horse Needs a Dental Exam
Equine injuries such as wounds or soft tissue swellings are typically easy to recognize. Problems that aren’t visible to the eye, however, can go unnoticed. Take dental issues, for example. 10 Signs...
10 Tips for Reducing Your Horse’s West Nile Risk
Since first being recognized in the United States in 1999, West Nile virus (WNV) has posed a serious threat to horses and humans alike. In the equine population, the virus is transmitted when a...
Large Animal
Avian Influenza USDA
Avian Influenza USDA Avian influenza (AI) is caused by an influenza type A virus which can infect poultry (such as chickens, turkeys, pheasants, quail, domestic ducks, geese, and guinea fowl) and...
WSU Veterinary Hospital treats 2020’s first tick paralysis case
Warming weather in the Pacific Northwest has brought the first case of tick paralysis to Washington State University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital. WSU Veterinary Hospital treats 2020’s first tick...
Sheep and Goat Biosecurity USDA
Biosecurity is a series of management practices designed to prevent the introduction, delivery, and spread of disease pathogens that can harm or adversely affect livestock, crops, environments, and...
Small Animal
New Kitten Helpful Information
Vaccine Schedule: FVRCP is a combination vaccination that is given to cats to protect against multiple viruses. FVRCP stands for Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, and Panleukopenia. These viruses are mainly transmitted by...
Common Household Poisons
Your home can hold a lot of unrecognized dangers for your pet. However, a few simple precautions can help keep your pet safe. Pets are not “mini people.” Animals react to substances in food and medicinesdifferently than people do, so just...
New Puppy Helpful Information
Vaccine Schedule: DAP is a combination vaccination protecting against Parvovirus, Distemper, and Adenovirus. This vaccination is given every 2-3 weeks from the age of 6-8 weeks to 16 weeks in puppies. After the 16 week vaccination, the...