
Dental Services

Potlatch Veterinary Clinic specializes in supporting your horse’s oral health with comprehensive dental services in Portlatch, ID, and the surrounding areas.

What to Expect from Our Equine Dental Services

Potlatch Veterinary Clinic offers thorough and efficient equine dental services, including teeth floating and comprehensive oral exams. Teeth floating involves smoothing down the sharp edges and uneven surfaces of your horse’s teeth to allow for proper chewing and a more comfortable bite. Our veterinarians use PowerFloat equipment to perform these dental procedures with precision, ensuring that your horse receives the best possible care.

Before beginning the dental procedure, we sedate your horse for a short time. This sedation allows our team to perform a complete oral examination, which helps us identify any underlying dental problems, such as broken teeth, infections, or gum disease. The sedation ensures that your horse remains calm and comfortable throughout the process.

veterinerian checking horse teeth

When to Schedule Equine Dental Services

We recommend that horses receive dental check-ups at least once a year to maintain optimal oral health. However, certain factors may increase the need for more frequent exams. Young horses, horses with dental issues, and older horses may require more regular dental care.

It’s especially important that you schedule an equine dental service in Potlatch, ID, if you notice any of the following signs:

  • Difficulty chewing or dropping food
  • Weight loss despite regular feeding
  • Bad breath or drooling
  • Swelling around the face or mouth
  • Resistance to the bit or head tossing

By addressing these symptoms early, you can prevent more serious health issues and keep your horse comfortable.

Equine Dental FAQs

How often should my horse have a teeth float?

Horses’ teeth continuously grow throughout their life. As many horses age, their teeth overgrow or misalignments cause some sections of teeth to form painful points. As a result, many horses benefit from yearly dentals or teeth floats.

What are signs that my horse needs to have a dental procedure or float?

One of the classic signs that your horse may have some abnormal teeth and would benefit from a teeth float is dropping hay or feed and trouble eating. Another sign would be discomfort when bit is in mouth, when previously the horse had been fine with the bit. If you notice abnormalities in chewing or eating, we recommending contacting a veterinarian to have your horse evaluated and possibly have a dental float performed.

Veterinary Services in Potlatch, ID