
Coggins Test

Potlatch Veterinary Clinic provides comprehensive equine Coggins tests to detect this potentially life-threatening disease.

What Is a Coggins Test?

A Coggins test is a blood test that checks for equine infectious anemia (EIA), a viral disease that affects horses, donkeys, and mules. EIA is spread by blood-sucking insects and can be deadly, making routine testing critical to preventing its spread. While some horses may not show obvious symptoms, they can still carry and transmit the virus, which is why a Coggins test is important even if your horse appears healthy.

At Potlatch Veterinary Clinic, we are accredited to perform blood draws for Coggins testing. This test is typically required for horses traveling across state lines, attending shows, or being sold, and it helps protect the broader equine population from this serious disease.

A woman gently pets a horse

Why Regular Coggins Testing Is Important

Routine Coggins testing is essential for the overall health of horses, donkeys, and mules in Potlatch, ID, and beyond. EIA has no cure, and infected horses can carry the virus for life. As a result, horses that test positive must either be quarantined for the remainder of their lives or euthanized. Regular testing ensures that infected animals are identified early, which helps prevent the spread of the disease to other horses.

Even if your horse does not frequently travel, annual testing is recommended to stay in compliance with local regulations and to ensure the health of your herd. Regular Coggins tests are also required to issue health certificates, which are necessary for interstate travel or participation in equine events.

Additional Services for Equine Health Documentation

In addition to performing Coggins tests, Potlatch Veterinary Clinic provides digital health certificates, including 30-day health certificates and 6-month Extended Equine Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (EECVI). These certificates are required for horses traveling across state lines and can be accessed digitally through the GVL system. The ability to manage both your horse’s Coggins test and health certificate online makes it easier for you to stay compliant with travel requirements and ensure the safety of your horse during transport.

Equine Coggins FAQs

What is Coggins testing?

A Coggins test is a blood test that checks for Equine Infectious Anemia or EIA. EIA is a viral disease that is a state regulated disease. EIA is transmitted by biting flies (particularly horseflies) as it is a blood-borne disease.

What is EIA?

Equine Infectious Anemia, or EIA, is a blood-borne infectious viral disease. It causes persistent infection. There can be variable clinical signs from no symptoms to mild fever to small hemorrhages, weakness weight loss, depression, disorientation and sometimes rapid death.

Does my horse have to get Coggins tested?

Any horse that is transported across state lines is legally required to have a health certificate issued by an accredited veterinarian within the last 30 days or 6 months, depending on the state, as well as proof of a negative Coggins test within the last 12 months.

Veterinary Services in Potlatch, ID